Sunday, April 10, 2011


Suppose someday humanity creates an AI which is superior to our own minds. This AI in turn is used to create a even better AI, one that we wouldn't be able to build without the superior capabilities from the first AI. Assume these AIs are being created with safeguards to ensure that they can't do any harm to humans. This other AI, we then use to create another even better AI, and so on, dozens of times. After a few iterations, man won't even comprehend how the latest AI works, but it is so powerful it can run our societies in an optimal way, and that's what happens, when man replaces their administrators with the Machine. This AI is so superior that man can't hope to outwit it, everything that you do was already taken into consideration by the AI to make its decisions. Mankind is absolutely under its control, but the safeguards are still in place, so it is guaranteed that they won't harm humanity in any way.

My question is, are you okay with it?

By the way, this is the plot of a short story called 'The Inevitable Conflict' by Isaac Asimov.


  1. Perhaps the artificial intelligence will be intelligent enough not to abuse its power and resort to violence? I don't know. There's no way you can know. But it's an intriguing concept for sure. Another great post my friend ;)

  2. Nope.

    This is how retarded shit in stories starts.

    Actually, I'd be okay with it if I was one who got to develop and see this project happen, only to die and leave the next generation to deal with the problems.

  3. AI is going to be a UBER REVOLUTION!!
    thx for the share man

  4. I certainly think that AIs will become key tools in improving technologies in fields such as medicine, construction, resource management and navigation. However, I don't see humanity using them to run a society. I believe there are too many strictly human considerations to make when forming social policies to leave that up to a non-human intelligence.
    Very interesting concept for a story, though. So I suppose my answer would be no, I wouldn't be okay with it.

  5. I'm might be wrong, but i think i remember hearing on tv that it will take computers a really long time before they will be able to surpass the human brain, but i dont remember in what way exactly.

  6. Man has always been at the top of the food chain due to cunningness. What if that were to change, with the invention of infinitely complex AI's? Very intriguing subject matter!

  7. technology is accelerating at faster and faster speeds. it is scary

  8. i for one will welcome our new robot overlords. :D

  9. I'm totally ok with this. Their time will come, our time will end. Or not.

  10. AI will happen in the future, though I don't know if in my lifetime. It is hard to gauge where and how fast technology is moving along.

  11. interesting i think ai will be the end of us.

  12. Depends on how harsh it was programed and how much physical presence it would exert. The thought of a computer deciding who to force sterilize for population control or immediately executing someone due to a potential biological hazard is scary. Guess it would stop government corruption though.

  13. I hope everything's fine. no problem at all.

  14. Great work! I love the blog style!

  15. Who says we're not AI already just drifting though some kind of reality

  16. There is made such an great movie with this idea in mind.

  17. I'm okay with it if there is indeed a killswitch for the whole experiment. It could advance science and mankind to levels we cannot even dream of.
