Friday, April 8, 2011

American food.

I've always wondered, what foods do Americans eat that other countries think is weird? I think PBJs would be weird for Asian countries, and I've heard that cinnamon is offensive to foreigners at first because it is so pungent. My neighbor is half German now living in America and he positively says that  for many Europeans, peanut butter is considered gross. He also stated that the Chicago Dog has simply to many things going on at once atleast for a regular German. Give him a bun, bratwurst and some Mustard and he's good lol.Also Germany has hardly any spicy ethnic foods like Mexican even our Chinese fastfood is missing stuff like Kampao chicken.
 A guy in my English class was telling me that he had my cousin visiting a few years ago and while she liked vinegar-based Carolina-style, she was disgusted by sweet-tasting barbecue. She called it 'meat candy.' Other family back in her  home are also weirded out by bacon and eggs for breakfast. When it came to bread she said that American bread is wretchedly soft and sweet. "All normal super market bread tastes very sweet, it has a distinct flavour that isn't just a normal bread flavour. Even a loaf of plain white or wheat bread has a tasty sweetness and some other flavour I can't pinpoint. But yeah, doesn't taste like 'bread'. Of course if I go to the bakery and buy some sourdough or something then yeah that's fine and familiar." Her cousin concluded  really hated the "Chicago-style" pizza. It just did not look like a pizza to her and isn't very appetizing. But for the most part, she did not find anything weird about American food. Some of it even looks pretty good. She was most intersted in wanting to try some Southern country-fried steak and grits." All in all Chicago got a bad rep. for something, not me though i love Chicago's gastronomy lol. What are some stories you have heard about American food compare to other countries?


  1. if you think about it, peanut butter and jelly really doesn't sound very appealing at first...

  2. Hopefully burgers are widely accepted everywhere because they are delicious. And I heard people think it's weird Americans leave tea bags in their tea.

  3. I live in New Zealand. Americans eat a lot of high-salt, high-fat crap. Even in something as simple as oreos. I don't like real american oreos because they actually taste quite salty to me, but if they are made in australia or malaysia they have way less salt and as a result they taste great.

  4. i haven't heard any stories really but that is some good insight into perspectives of foreigners. interesting stuff

  5. The portions are too big. The cheese is rubbery and disgusting - even comes out of a spray can. I've heard the bread one, and I hate American bread...only use sourdough or baguettes. The American bread is much too soft for a proper sandwich.

  6. makes me glad to be an American. so many different kinds of food to try out, I can never get bored with it. well occasionally i do, but that's from eating too much.
